Class 25 Thu, 2017-12-07 3d Visualization, LaTeX

VTK, paraview
VISIT 3D visualization
basic methods: cuts, iso-surfaces, vector fields, flowlines, scatter-particles
other concepts: tessalation , triagle meshes
z-buffer, transparency , z-buffer II
shaders: flat, Phong
texture mapping
Blender , ray tracing, reflections, solid modeling
POV-RAY , POV-Ray wiki
OpenGL: low level rendering library, HW support
Publishing: methods, fonts, typesetting, markup languages (html, SGML, nroff, troff)
LaTeX is a markup language (+ font management)
Kopka/Daly book
Very good wikibook for reference: Google "latex table environment"
Hard to learn
Professional looking, repeatable results
Best in math typesetting
terrible error recovery
Style files for many journals, dissertations, etc.
BibTeX reference management
FILE:code.doi-import-to-bibtex code to import bibtex entry from doi
classes, sections, environments (equation, table), floats (figures)
packages, style files (color, graphics, times, twocolumn, ....)
your own macros: \def command
inline math versus display math
lyx , LyX wiki
latexit , latex2png
cut-paste math from web pages directly to LaTeX (nifty)