Class 13 Tue, 2017-10-17 Graphics formats, more f77

graphics: vector versus raster easy: vector --> raster, virtually impossible: raster --> vector
graphics: comparison table
most used: vector: PS, pdf, SVG (web), raster: gif, jpg, png, tiff, ppm
graphics: ImageMagick , magick, convert, display, ...
RGB , HSV: Hue-Saturation-Value , HSV, conversion , encoding 0.0 to 1.0 or 0 to 255, HDR: 10/12 bit, alpha channel, layers
Encapsulated Postscript / EPS
postscript language elements , PS reference manual , BLUEBOOK RPN language: Reverse Polish Notation (HP11 pocket calculator), stack
Postscript/pdf as a language FILE:code.postscript1 PS example
pdf utilities PDFtk merge/split , pdfjam: similar
ghostscript, render PS to other formats , ghostview, gv