Class 6 Thu, 2017-09-14 Numbers, editors, perl


bit: smallest unit of information
byte, word
byte: 0-255, -127 to 127 (unsigned, signed), ascii code, rgb color value, etc, C:char F77:byte/integer*1
words: C:short/int/long F77:integer*2/4/8 F90:integer(kind=2/4/8) wikipedia list
C:float/double F77:real/real*4/double precision/real*8 , F90:real(kind=8), real*16
FP Fun app
Floating point exceptions NaN, Infinity, denormalized, rounding, glory details
FPU/8087, FP arithmetic
data representation reference

text editors

vi take one
vi take two
vim one , vim two
.exrc customization
VI REMEMBER: aAiIoO gets you into insert mode, gets you out
emacs , can do everything (almost)
joe, nano, pico, .....
FILE:jedi jedi: Jimmy's editor , simple, more WORD like